Import Demo Data

Import demo developed using Elementor page builder. You need to activate all required plugins before importing the demo.

  1. Install and activate Advanced Importer plugin
  2. Tools-> Advanced Import
  3. Point demo content ZIP file in Demo importer

NOTE! Install Theme-essentials plugin and Elementor before demo import


Install Required Plugins

Use this Plugin message to activate and install required plugins.

You can access 20 pro widgets with pro plugin. Download and install by browsing the file.

! Plugin Installation API Error:  Because, plugin folder already exists, so you need to update it. Use “easy theme plugin upgrade” from WordPress plugin directory.


Setting home page

Go to Appearance > Customize > Home page settings -> Select, Static page and choose name of the home page you have just created above.

Creating Menus

Theme has 2 menu areas called Top and Footer.

If a menu already exists, create a menu and assign to top menu.

Create a menu and assign to bottom menu. Bottom menu displays sengle level. Click save button.


Header Layouts

Header has 2 main layouts.

WooCommerce and default layout


Add Contact Details | Social Links

Appearance > Customize > Theme Options -> Contacts

Also, you can Hide mini header (contact | social) by checking the Hide Mini Header with social icons

You can change mini header color from Theme Options -> Header Section


Change My Account and Login link

Appearance > Customize > Theme Options -> Header Section


Add Post Slider

theme:Post Slider widgets

You can drag and drop post slider using a page builder like Elementor.

Select post category to show, select number of posts to show, Edit slider caption top ex: 25%

Change button, colors etc.

Contact widget

Use Theme: Contact widget to display your contacts in Footer, Sidebar and pages.


Change Layout and Button style

Navigate to Theme Options -> Layout section

You can change header, content and footer width and turn into box layout mode


Adding WooCommerce content

  1. Theme:Product Navigation Widget 2. Theme:Product Slider Widget


Drag and drop widgets and simply select product category, number of products to display in product widgets. Also, you can change maximum height, button colors.

Theme:Product by Feature (slider) widget

You can select display products as a carousal. Following product types are available in Pro Widgets. You need to install Theme Essentials plugin to access all widgets. Following Features are available in Pro Widgets.

Featured products

On Sale products

New Arrivals

Top Rated Products

Price (Low to high)

Price (High to low)

Product Category Meta (Summery)


Add Product Category Summery

Use Product category meta widget to display category meta


You can change how many columns displayed in product category summery widget.


Product Compare, Quick View and Wishlist

Install Required widgets in TGM plugin activation as above. This functionality will be integrated automatically. If YITH quick view is not functioning, please YITH Wishlist settings and enable AJAX Loading.


Add Call to Action

Theme: Callout widget


Add image title, description, Link and button text in team, service and call to action widgets. You can add social links in Team widget.


Add Service details

Theme:service widget.


Add Team details

Theme:Team widget

Add News and Events section

Theme:News widget


Subscribe section

Theme:Subscribe widget



Add Stats

Theme:Stats widget, Theme:Progress widget

Use Theme: stats widget to showcases your stats.


Add FAQ section

Theme:Accordion widgets

Use Theme: accordion widget to build questions and answer section.



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